Thursday, July 23, 2009

This is ENDO! (`ε(#`)

Hmm, my name is ENDO, ENDO...i live in MARAYSIA, a place wt 黄种人,葡萄味,小娘惹,马人,"妈地"(MATHI)友族, "杰夫理"原族. we are diffren skin, but we eat the same fud evryday BECOZ we r MARASIAN. Thuis my second blog in this vry page, 2DAY is 24th JULY 09 (1 day from my big sis bday), kind a miss my 1st blog haha "! (`ε(#`)"! established since DEC 2005, it tells wateva in my mind during university life, i thk its time to move on to ~WORKING~ life. THX to all my frens who spent their time on such blog, hope it does add sum spice into ur life. alrite, I officially will start to write a BRAN NEU blog 2day, hehe, will b about FOOD that comes that 0.01mm close to my mouth, i will guide u to the most hous-sek the most yummy fud that u can find in MARAYSIA. just luk at megan and u ll realise how *Y*U*M*M*Y* dan $EXY MARASIAN fud can b. ENJOY!

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